This guide tells you how to go about submitting and maintaining your work on the Arts and Designs website.
Please read it carefully before you start - it contains tips and hints on how to get the best out of your submissions.
Start by creating your own account using the 'Artist Log In' page. You will have to supply your name and a password - and you will need an invitation code obtained from us (to stop spammers). This is the name that viewers will see and the name that you will use to access your account in future - make sure it's exactly right as you will not be able to change it. The name you supply is your working name - a nom de plume if you have one, e.g. el Greco (but that one's taken). Your password should be at least 6 characters long. Make sure you remember it as you will need it again.
After you have entered your name and password, click the login button and you will see another page, entitled Confirm New Artist, which asks you to confirm your password and to supply your email address and other contact details. We need to store these details so that we can contact you - we don't share your details with anyone else. When you've entered the details, click the confirm button and you should get the Portfolio Maintenance page. You can then start uploading your work.
Use this option to upload a new item to the site.
You will have to complete a form describing the item and specifying one or two files on your local computer to be uploaded:
For designs (charts, patterns, leaflets) the main file may be a .pdf (acrobat) file and in this case the sample file image should be 400 or more pixels in height. Be careful not to expose so much detail that someone could copy your design from the picture!
It's worth putting a lot of effort into the description of the work as it will be visible to human visitors as well as being indexed by on-site and off-site search engines. Search engines use words not images and your work will not be found unless its description contains the same words that human searchers use. For example, "... mermaid on a green background with a jewel and custom motto ..." - would mean this item would be found when someone searches for any combination of the bolded words, e.g. "green mermaid". Use plain English and describe what is in your image plus anything else that is related to it. Conversely, a collection of keywords may (or may not) improve your rating on search engines but will certainly turn visitors right off - remember you are selling your work to humans, not machines! The solution is to incorporate your keywords into readable text and just be honest.
One idea is to imagine you are describing the picture to a blind person.
Use the commit button to upload the work and its associated information.
We strongly recommend that you don't put in any personal information, such as your email or postal address - many web crawlers look for these and add them to spam email lists.
Finally, always remember to log out after you have finished your session!